French Immersion

French Immersion at Salisbury

What is French Immersion at Salisbury:

French Immersion is a highly successful approach to second language learning. The program is an effective way for students to become functionally fluent in French while achieving all the objectives of the regular English school program. The program at Salisbury for the 2025-2026 school year will consist of grade 10 courses and will be extended to grade 11 in 2026-2027 and grade 12 the following year.

Salisbury will be offering core subjects which include French Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. More information regarding these subjects will be under the French Immersion Course information page.

FLA (French Language Arts) 10-1

5 credits

The French program aims to develop language skills, that is to say, to help students know how to read and listen (comprehension), and how to write and speak (production). To do this, students will learn to develop these skills in the following different situations:

  • Unit on phonetics
  • Unit on poetry and culture
  • Unit on the literary short story (The Sweater, Poor Little Boy)
  • Unit on the theater (The Imaginary Sick)
  • Various cinematographic works (Louis Cyr, Amélie, The Rocket, The Great Seduction)

Science 10

5 credits

Science 10 emphasizes three key concepts of science: energy, matter and change. The four modules studied are:

Module 1: Energy, matter and chemical transformations

Module 2: Energy flow in technological systems

Module 3: The cycle of matter in living systems

Module 4: Energy flow in planetary systems

Social Studies 10-1

5 credits

This course allows students to explore multiple perspectives of globalization:

  • Related question #1: The links between globalization, identity and culture (Media, Transnational Corporations, Cultural Processes)
  • Related Question #2: The impact of historical globalization movements (Age of Discovery, First Nations, Indian Treaties and Reservations, Indian Residential Schools, Imperialism, Slavery)
  • Related question #3: The economic and environmental effects of globalization (International Trade, World Economic Organizations, Prosperity vs Sustainability)
  • Related question #4: Roles and responsibilities in a globalizing world

Mathematics 10-C

5 credits

Mathematics 10 allows students to deepen the knowledge learned in grades 7-9 by focusing primarily on learning through word problems. The course includes a study of measurement, the development of proportional reasoning, algebra and numerical sense, relationships and functions.

Math 10C is a prerequisite for Math 20-1 or 20-2.